In my life, I am first and foremost an activist. I wrote my first protest letter at the age of 9. I was at the forefront of the HIV/AIDS movement in the late 80s. I was a direct action wilderness activist for more than a decade. I have been a community activist for the last sixteen years, changing the way my community educates kids about nature, creating community gardens that become hubs for neighbourhoods and changing the world every day in my own backyard.

I have seen the results of living on purpose - collaborating with other activists to create thousands of hectares of new protected parks in Ontario, delivering HIV/AIDS education when the crisis was in its earliest stages, changing policies on the federal, provincial and local levels and raising international media awareness on key issues.

In the course of my activism, I stepped up to the helm of two nonprofits as Executive Director, raising the profile of the first to international attention and quadrupling the budget of the most recent organization I led while exponentially increasing its reach and impact.

And then I became a mom in my 40s and realized that all of the rest of this had been easy!


What I know is this:

If you are fuelled by a deep sense of your purpose, the unique thing that only you can offer the world, it is jet fuel for what you want to create.

That is how I live my life and it is powerful. And I know we all can tap into purpose to fuel our lives.

I believe that activism, entrepreneurship and living an intentional, rich and meaningful life all have the same root - 

That deep sense of knowing your purpose combined (and this is crucial) with taking ACTION to get your gift out into the world to share with others.

I am now a Purpose Fuelled Coach, Mentor and Life Strategist. I have sought out the best sources of inspiration, creativity, passion and energy to fuel my life, my activism and my business. I have studied with world famous coaches like Rich Litvin and Christina Berkley, have shared ideas with visionary thinkers like Bayo Akomolafe and Charles Eisenstein and dug deep with successful entrepreneurs like Tad Hargrave (Marketing for Hippies). Amy Pearson (Live Brazen) and Jonathan Fields (Good Life Project) to understand their how they share their purpose and how I can share my own in the best way possible.

I am incredibly passionate about supporting you in finding your purpose, your mission, that thing that charges you up and fuels your business and your life, because it is a great feeling! I am really good at finding it in others, because I have found it myself.

My coaching philosophy is simple:


I KNOW that you have something special that is yours and yours alone and I believe the world, in whatever way you want to share it, deserves to see it. And I believe that we can collectively make the world a better place by taking action to find our purpose and share it.

If you doubt that you have brilliance, you only have to watch a child to see that they are completely plugged into their brilliance. They know they can do whatever they want. They do not feel the layers of limitation that we build up over time. That still is there in you, available when you choose to notice it.

What excites me in my work is being part of that moment when you say, "What I REALLY want to do is...." or "I always wanted to do .... but I never thought I could". Moments like that are where your purpose lies

The more you become YOU, the more comfortable you become with who you are and use that to tap into your unique talents and passions, the more purpose fuelled your journey will be. That is my mission for the people that I work with - to assist you in becoming deeply comfortable in your own skin and recognizing the amazing gifts that you have to offer.

Simply put, it is this - you bring your challenge, your dream, your whatever-it-is to me and we will talk and see if we connect. I will tell you if I can help you and how. You then can decide whether I am the right person for you. No pressure, no tactics. It really is as simple as that.


Getting to know me

These will give you a better sense of me and our potential "click"...

We will likely get along like gangbusters if these people and creations speak to you!

People who have changed my view on my calling and how our work can be a true expression of who we are:

"Turning Pro" by Stephen Pressfield and all of the rest of his creations

"The Prosperous Coach" by Steve Chandler and Rich Litvin

Bayo Akomolafe, visionary, writer and delightful friend

Charles Eisenstein and his work visioning the more beautiful world that our hearts know is possible

Byron Katie and The Work

Marianne Williamson for everything that she does

Joann Macy and The Great Turning

Stephen Jenkinson and Orphan Wisdom

Jeff Foster and his Life Without a Centre

Talks and shares that deeply inspire me:

In the Masai community where 13-year-old Richard Turere lives, cattle are all-important. But lion attacks were growing more frequent. In this short, inspiring talk, the young inventor shares the solar-powered solution he designed to safely scare the lions away.